
    My Skin Care Routine

    Ok, so I don't use all of these everytime I wash my face and I will substitute things in or out depending on how my skin looks & feels (and quite frankly how much time I have).

    My general routine is as follows:


    • Splash water on my face a few times
    • Double duty mist
    • Chebula Serum or Dew Drops
    • Radiance Oil or Chebula Cream or Meditation Gel Cream
    • Sunscreen


    • Ginger Tumeric Cleansing Balm
    • Chebula + a dash of Vitamin C
    • Avoila or Pure Radiance Oil
    • Renew Nightly Treatment

    Eye Cream or Brighter Days as needed morning & night

    *** Always dry your face with a clean towel to avoid bacteria